Thursday, December 09, 2004

Ze trial

Cogito ergo rum(With these not so famous first words,I begin my leap into cyberspace)
Not So Famous first words??Of whom??
For all those who don’t know,it means “I drink therefore I think”,the precursor to
‘cogito ergo sum’,also known as 'The Great Spoofable proof'.Descartes came up with this beautiful hypothesis but the Church(dangblarst ‘em!) carefully suppressed it not wanting to corrupt young minds and through my Dan Brown like prowling through the recesses of Latin literature(I would strongly recommend this if you have a couple of hours to spend wading aimlessly through latin literature) , I arrived at this startling fact.

Casual students of latin might well be inclined to think “what does my blog name mean”?”shouldn’t it be blogito ergo sum meaning I blog therefore I am” .?
I wouldn’t want to blame them,poor souls.With their schoolboy swotting of latin ,they wouldn’t be expected to know the present participle verb adjunct clause in latin where ‘ergoach’ forms a compound bridge thus resulting in a reversal of the original meaning

Incidentally,this probably ‘sums’ up my approach to blogging.I like thinking stuff to write but am detest putting finger to keyboard so here goes.Lets see how far I go……..


Nandan said...

wow after the looooooooonnnnnng delay u have arrived
all i can do is summa cum and laud your efforts

Vinod said...

SO, it's happened finally. The MAN has started blogging.

Welcome to the club.

P.S: Nandan, if you want to summa cum, visit some porn site!